Revenue Making Opportunity

Upgrade Your Residents, Boost Your Revenue

With Luxer One Premium Plans Everyone Wins

Residents Experience:

  • Comprehensive Package Tracking
  • Expanded Flexibility with Household Accounts
  • Exclusive Discounts with Premium Perks

Properties Enjoy:

  • Per-delivery income
  • Offset support costs
  • Timely pick-up increase

A hands-free partnership

We handle billing, collection, administration and the revenue split, and you collect a monthly check!

Choose the Plan That Works for You

Per Delivery Plan

Charge a small fee per delivery

A reliable revenue stream based on package delivery volume.

48-Hour Storage Plan

A storage fee is applied to packages in lockers for 2+ days

Incentivize residents to pick up in a timely manner & free up lockers.

MOnthly PLan

Charge a registration fee

Collect meaningful recurring revenue and unlock new premium features for your residents

Connect with an expert

Send us a Message

Revenue Plan FAQ


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Liaisons can deliver any package that weighs less than 60lbs, and fits safely on a hand cart. Liaisons will deliver up to packages a month to your residence.

Liaisons can deliver any package that weighs less than 60lbs, and fits safely on a hand cart. Liaisons will deliver up to <50> packages a month to your residence.

Liaisons can deliver any package that weighs less than 60lbs, and fits safely on a hand cart. Liaisons will deliver up to <50> packages a month to your residence.

Liaisons can deliver any package that weighs less than 60lbs, and fits safely on a hand cart. Liaisons will deliver up to <50> packages a month to your residence.

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For more information on how Luxer One can help